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Andover Divorce Modification Lawyer

Changing Terms for Changing Circumstances | Lawrence Child Support Modification Attorney

Sometimes the financial and personal circumstances of divorced people change. They move away. They gain or lose jobs. They start new families. They encounter personal problems or personal fortunes.

With significant changes, it can become necessary to alter the terms of a divorce, child custody or family support decision.

The Law Offices of Linda Nutting Cummings can successfully assist clients to secure modifications of the terms of their original divorce, custody or support agreements through negotiations and in court proceedings. If a client's life has changed, Attorney Cummings can work to alter his or her rights and responsibilities regarding monetary payments, custody and visitation.

Andover Divorce Modification Attorney

Courts can grant modifications to agreements involving child custody, child support payments and spousal support payments when parties demonstrate significant changes in their lives. To determine whether a modification is appropriate in your situation, some excellent questions to ask are:

  • Income status. Did your income or the other party's income increase or decrease due to a job promotion, unemployment or other reason?
  • Living arrangements. Who do you live with? Who does the other party live with? Have either of you remarried? Have either of you moved since your initial terms were set?
  • Child care situation. Does the current custodial arrangement make sense? Are you acting in the best interests of your children? Is your ex-spouse acting in the best interests of your children?

Modifications | Contempt Actions | Enforcing Support Payments and Custody Orders

Courts can hold parties in contempt when they fail to meet their obligations.

If a former spouse fails to make support payments, disobeys a custody order or fails to follow through with the property division as ordered by the court, he or she can be held accountable.

The Law Offices of Linda Nutting Cummings can help get the terms you need. To consult with a lawyer, contact the firm online or by calling 978-470-3535.

practice Areas Contact Us

Law Offices of Linda Nutting Cummings
23 Main Street
Andover, MA 01810
Phone: 978-470-3535
Fax: 978-470-3585
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