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Andover DUI Lawyer

Lawrence DWI Attorney | Fighting Massachusetts OUI - DWI - DUI Charges

It wasn't supposed to happen; but it did.

You had some drinks, you got behind the wheel and you got arrested. Now you're facing a charge of operating under the influence of alcohol (OUI). The penalties for OUI can be serious, which is why it is important to retain an experienced and versatile OUI attorney.

Attorney Linda Nutting Cummings has extensive experience in litigating OUI cases as both a prosecutor and defense attorney. Through her law firm, the Law Offices of Linda Nutting Cummings, she helps people minimize the negative consequences of Massachusetts OUI arrests.

It's My First Drunk Driving Arrest. How Serious Is It?

We find that while OUI arrests — also referred to as driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) arrests — are frightening, many people underestimate the consequences.

Here are some facts about first-time OUI in Massachusetts:

  • Jail time is unlikely but possible.
  • The fines are extensive.
  • You can lose your driving privileges.
  • You can have a criminal record. Further, if you are convicted once, the consequences for a subsequent arrest or conviction are potentially devastating.

Free Consultation | Call Us Today | Andover DUI Attorney

Given these consequences, it is important that you retain a very experienced OUI attorney who can guide you through the legal system.

For more information or for a free consultation with a lawyer, contact our legal team at 978-470-3535.

practice Areas Contact Us

Law Offices of Linda Nutting Cummings
23 Main Street
Andover, MA 01810
Phone: 978-470-3535
Fax: 978-470-3585
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