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Andover Felony DUI Lawyer

Lawrence Third Strike DWI Attorney

Recent changes in Massachusetts law, including Melanie's Law, have significantly increased penalties associated with second and subsequent operating under the influence of alcohol (OUI) — also known variously in Massachusetts as driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) — convictions.

Among the results have been increased jail sentences, raised fines and the addition of new requirements such as the use of ignition interlock devices to prevent convicted motorists from driving without first passing a machine-controlled breath test.

The Law Offices of Linda Nutting Cummings, in Andover, Massachusetts, understands the disruption a second or subsequent OUI conviction can cause for individuals and their families. Attorney Linda Cummings has practiced criminal law in Massachusetts for more than 20 years and can provide insightful, creative and effective representation to individuals who are accused of OUI offenses.

Three Strikes, You're a Felon | The Sobering Facts of Multiple OUI Convictions

Lengthy license suspensions, jail time and significant fines are all a reality of a subsequent offense OUI and can have emotional and financial effects that extend far beyond the offender.

In most instances, the government can use even very old OUI convictions to charge you as a subsequent offender. The picture grows dimmer as the number of offenses increases. For example, a third offense is a felony and currently carries a minimum six-month jail sentence and an eight-year loss of driving privileges.

Drunk Driving, Multiple Offenses | How Our Andover Felony DUI Attorney Can Help You

Attorney Linda Nutting Cummings does not judge her clients. Instead, she does what her clients hire her to do — represent their interests to the fullest extent of the law.

With the stakes this high it is imperative that you hire an experienced and aggressive lawyer with a proven track record. Contact the law firm today, at 978-470-3535.

practice Areas Contact Us

Law Offices of Linda Nutting Cummings
23 Main Street
Andover, MA 01810
Phone: 978-470-3535
Fax: 978-470-3585
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